The single most common questions we get asked are about dosing swimming pools or hot tubs with the correct amounts of chemicals.
Below is an interactive spreadsheet that will give you an idea of how much of each chemical to add to your swimming pool or hot tub in order to alter the Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity or Calcium to their recommended levels, you will obviously need to test your pool or hot tub water prior to dosing so that you know what the current levels are.
We cannot guarantee the figures because some companies may provides different dosing instructions but they are correct for the chemicals that we supply.
Firstly you will need to calculate the gallonage of your swimming pool or hot tub, the equation for this is:
Length x Width x Depth (in feet) x 7.48 = gallons.
So measure, and then multiply, the length, width and depth of your swimming pool or hot tub in feet, which will give you the volume in cubic feet, then multiply the volume by 7.48 and you will get the volume in gallons.
Type that figure, the volume in gallons, in to the yellow box on the spreadsheet, hit return, and it will change all of the chemical amounts needed to those required for a pool or hot tub of that volume.
Based on the readings you have from testing the chemical levels in your pool or hot tub and the levels that they should be, which are shown below, type in how much you need to raise or reduce each reading in to the blue box on that readings line (pH, Alkalinity etc…) and hit return, the spreadsheet will again change and give you the exact amount of the relevant chemical required.
Now based on your test results, and the spreadsheet, you can dose the pool, remember to dose each chemical separately and dissolve them in a bucket of pool or hot tub water prior to pouring in to the pool or hot tub.